1. Since Trump became President, Americans have not allowed the rest of the world hear word.

2. Everyday one palaver after another.

3. Are they the first?

4. Today they say he wants to ban everybody.

5. Tomorrow, it’s that he wants to use his office to make money.

6. So are they too good to manage corruption and incompetence?

7. The rest of us around the world doing it, do we have two heads?

8. Then they started complaining that Russia interfered in their election.

9. But hasn’t America been interfering in all the elections in the third world since 19whatever?

10. Did we die?

11. Okay many people died, but we are still here!

12. But wait, did they not vote for the Trump man?

13. So what’s all this crying and shouting?

14. This is all of us, laughing at the fact the we don’t have the monopoly on bad and nonsense leadership.

15. Welcome to the club, America!