I think by now we all know Nigerian men are mostly quite crafty, especially when it comes to relationships and women.

It’s like they truly believe these are the last days of seven women to one man, even though there are more men in the world now.

Shey, it would even be easier to spot who is who, but these married men have now decided to be removing their rings.

We’ve figured out a way to help you single ladies recognize when a married man is moving to you, even when he’s not wearing his wedding ring.

When you go his house and you notice that it’s suspiciously bare, my dear flee, that man is married.

If he has been married long enough whether he puts on his ring or not, you’ll notice a patch of lighter skin around his ring finger.

Sometimes he might even just move the wedding ring to another finger and claim it’s just a random ring.

Don’t be deceived, that’s his wedding ring.
You’ll notice that he’s slightly balding, slightly pot-bellied and looks suspiciously close to your father’s age but he’ll still try to convince you that he’s not married.

You’ll also notice that he really doesn’t like coming out in the daytime.

When you ask him if he’s married and he’s too quick to say no, my dear that man has already taken someone else to the altar.

You’ll notice signs of a female presence in his house that’s always conveniently a sister or a cousin but you’ll never meet said sister or cousin.

For some reason he has refused to invite you over to his house.

Finally, the easiest thing to do is look him up on the internet.