On Thursday, we all couldn’t wait for the day to be over, because fasting had come to an end and we were finally going to get that short holiday we deserve.
If you didn’t go home this excited, then I don’t know
There are the ones who slept from the time they got home till the day they resumed work. Almost all of us fall under this category.
Ha! This sleep will be tired of me today
The ones who didn’t get any sleep because they wanted to use enjoyment to kill themselves.
Please I just have to turn up with my guys
The ones who made plans to turn up all week but ended up spending the whole weekend at home.
Because if you stay at home, you don’t spend money.
Let’s not forget the ones who left their house to look for ramadan meat.
But realised this isn’t that season. Tragic.
This is the time we know those who can complete 15 series in one day.
” Me and this movies will die on the line today “
There’s also those people who were on their phone all weekend, watching the people who went to turn up on instagram.
“I should have just gone out oh “
The workaholics who continued to work from home.
Oga you better don’t kill yourself
The ones who just watched nothing but the World Cup every day.
What a sweet match
The ones who were just on their phones doing absolutely nothing.
” where’s my phone? oh it’s in my hand “
Finally, there’s the people who can’t relate to any one of these so far.