Getting into a relationship with a cat dad is the best gift you can give yourself. Do you know what it means for a man to agree to commit to something that might live for 15 years? Someone who fully understands how to earn love? Come on, what’s not to love?
1. They will understand your mood swings
Cat dads understand when to give you space and when to give you attention. If you’ve had to deal with those furry crackheads, you’d mind your own business too.

2. They have a great sense of humour
Some of the funniest videos on the internet are videos of cats doing stupid things. This means that men who love cats appreciate those things and have a great sense of humour. A man that has a great sense of humour is also great in bed, according to Zikoko chapter 12 verse sex life. It’s just quick math.

3. They always have a clean space
Cats spend so much time grooming themselves that they’d eventually have to learn from his cat. Cat dads are more likely to have well-kept fingernails and a clean home than… let’s not bring big dogs to a catfight, sha.

4. He will show you off
One thing these guys will do is post pictures of their cats no one asked for. If you date him, all his followers and contacts will see an annoying amount of your pictures, but still not as many as those of his cat. Yes, your competition is a cat.

5. He won’t mind seeing your hair everywhere
Cats and women share one thing in common; dropping hair offerings for you everywhere. He is so used to dealing with cat hairs, this is the last thing he’ll ever complain about.

6. They are experts at reading body language
Cats do not show emotions as often as dogs do. If he can read a cat’s body language, he can read yours. Although we think you should just explain your feelings like an adult.

7. They are rich
This is the most important one because most cat dads are tech bros, and tech bros have money, and having money is a valid reason to date them. I said what I said.

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