Nigeria is a country blessed with an extraordinarily diverse set of people. Our politicians are a different breed of their own.

Let’s talk about of the distinct types of politicians in Nigeria.
The first type of politicians are the calm ones, believe it or not, some of them fall under this category.

Whatever the situation, they remain calm.
Then we have the CEOs of trouble making.

From jumping fence to tearing cloth, these ones can scatter anywhere.
You know those types of people who can lie their way out of every situation?

No comment.
There’s the special ones who have Ph.Ds in dancing.

They play a very vital role in the Nigerian politics.
Let’s not forget the ones who have refused to fully retire.

Help us beg these baby boys o. It’s okay.
This category is for the ones who grace us with their beautiful grammar once in a while.

Higi Haga. Crinkum Crankum.
The ones who are always in the news for one drama or the other.

We know the people we’ll send to Big Brother next year.
What of the ones that change party like SIM cards?
Home is where the power is.
There are the ones that are just doing House of Cards with Nigeria

Will the real Frank Underwood please stand up?
What about the ones who do everything but their job?

Is that why we’re here?
Is this list even complete without the Keyboard Warriors?

Lion on the Internet, but meow-meow when it’s time to solve our problems.
Finally, we have the ones who are ready to change Nigeria.

We’re still waiting for the change sha.
So if you’re tired of all this nonsense, perhaps the first step is to:

Make your voice heard. Visit and learn how to register to get your PVC ASAP.