1. People that borrow money and refuse to pay us back.

2. Buka servers that are miserly with actual stew and only pour oil all over the rice.

3. People that disrespect the glorious delicacy that is amala.

4. Weddings that don’t serve small chops. Is that one a wedding or punishment?

5. Oversabi family members that only know how to ask when you are getting married.

6. Uncles that turn every small joke into a sermon.

7. People that don’t read Zikoko.

8. Supermarkets that have turned “sorry we don’t have change” to their side hustle.

9. Restaurants that always use “POS is not working” to disgrace someone.

10. Yoruba movies with bad subtitles. Lol we are joking oh we will manage it like that.

11. Boyfriends that only call you in the night after their real girlfriend has gone to bed.

12. “Aunty I can sew it” tailors.

13. Fitfam people that judge you for eating a whole cake by yourself.

14. People that waited for a whole year to change instead of just doing the thing immediately.