“Excuse me nurse please where is the Doctor?”

You are looking at her.
“You want to specialize? When you haven’t found husband?”

Who husband epp?
“Aunty please help us call the main Doctor”

Please explain yourself
“Small girl like you, so you mean you are a doctor?”

Who are you calling small girl?
“Aunty Doctor, Aunty nurse”

It’s just Doctor, please
“Ehn I know you are not a nurse just help me call the male Doctor”

The level of disrespect
“Eh nurse wait stop talking let me talk to the main Doctor”

I’m confused he’s a medical student
“I’m not saying you don’t know your work o, just help me call your oga”

Look at me I’m the oga here
“You are a doctor? Your husband is trying o, hope you have time for him”
Is that what we are here for?
“You mean you are a doctor doctor? And you are a woman?”

And so what?
“Sister but you are too fine to be a doctor now”

Better face your front