If you don’t know who Donald Trump is, we have no words for you. For those who do, you must be aware of all the controversy the U.S Republican presidential candidate has steered in the course of the elections campaign. His disturbing and unconventional suggestions in dealing with Islamic terrorism and the Migrant crisis facing 1st world countries have earned him biting criticism worldwide. These reactions to the billionaire businessman are more than hilarious.
1. Little Miss Flint, Amariyanna ‘Mari’ Copeny met with President Obama in May, after penning a viral letter to him about the contamination of water sources in Flint, a city in Michigan.

2. But look at Mari’s reaction when she met Donald Trump, who visited Flint as part of his campaign tour.

3. Americans hilariously summed up Mari’s reactions on twitter, and of course dragged Donald Trump too.

4. It appears it’s not only Democrats and Little Miss Flint that are scared of Trump, this eagle he used as a prop for an interview seems to want a piece of him too.

5. But just look at calmly President Obama handled this photo session with another bald eagle.

6. Even these babies could not seem to stand Trump, while he held them for photo ops at the republican rally in Colorado.

7. But see our Uncle Barack here handling another set of babies like a PRO!

8. Still wondering why people just don’t like Trump? Check out when he didn’t care about the lady beside him, versus Obama who braved the rain and left the umbrella for First Lady Michel.