By the time you leave a Nigerian university, you’re probably thinking of yourself as a worn-out old person who can’t wait for a new life.

That’s because, by your third or fourth year, you’re probably saying this a lot – “I’m tired of this school”.
Becoming jaded takes time though.

Was it not last week that you took photos at Motion Ground and printed 20 copies for posterity?
Remember your face when you found out you’d been accepted into a university.

When you saw you wouldn’t have to write JAMB for one more year and you promised God that you would change the world.
Then you found out you had joined a glorified secondary school.

But you were still full of hope. Nothing could take you down.
But it all changed the first time your lecturer said you wouldn’t make it in life.

FY bro. Can you make an electro beat on FL?
Then ASUU collaborated with Thor to strike for the whole year

Because the thunder that should fire them is already keeping you at home.
When you decided you would make the best of the situation

“If we no get joy, wetin we gain” – Victor AD, 2018.
Then your grades started twisting and turning.

Looking at exam results like somebody has stolen your brain. That’s the only explanation.
The first time you got bullied.

You thought this thing ended in secondary school. Now you’re asking God why this particular affliction rose a second time.
That time you considered not going back after the holidays.

What’s the worst that could happen? Sell pink lips cream at Computer Village?
But you certainly look forward to joining the old guard in 400 level

It is your duty to maintain balance and order, one that is fulfilled by sharing wisdom in the form of parables like “Alligator na lizard wey go gym”.
Then it all comes to an end – and there’ll be only one song on your lips.

Welcome to the real world, the labour market, the school of hard knocks or whatever depressing name people use to describe life after university.
It’s true that things are hard out here but it’s down to how much effort you want to put in.
In the immortal words of the urban philosopher, J.Cole, “choose wisely”