Bank staff – ₦60k
They already count more than enough money every day. Why would they ever need more?

Politicians – ₦33k
If they really want to be public servants, they should lead by example and collect a minimum wage. It’s the least they can do.

Barbers – ₦1 million
They can literally mess up your look for the next month. You definitely don’t want to mess with their pay.

Policemen – ₦500k
Let’s pay them well enough that it won’t even occur to them to stress us whenever we meet them on the road.

Teachers – ₦500k
Do you really want to underpay the people responsible for ensuring your child’s future is bright? Do you want to pay for a low-current future?

Doctors – Whatever they ask for
We don’t even have enough of them, so we can’t afford to play hard-to-get with the people japa-ing every other Tuesday.

Lagos babes – Everything and more
Like it or not, being a Lagos babe is a full-time profession. Serving looks not only requires talent, but lots of money too. That’s why they deserve everything.

NEXT READ: Fake It Till You Make It? — 7 Nigerians on Landing Jobs Without the Required Experience