Nigerian women are always suspicious when their men have female best friends. Maybe it’s because they know the things they do with their own male best friends (Don’t quote me sha). I think women should be more open to the idea of female best friends for their men. Read on for all the benefits of your man having a female best friend.
1. She’ll help him choose dresses and weaves for you
Your man would be able to pick the best things for your birthday because his best friend is advising him. She can even try them on before he buys them for you.

2. She’ll provide you with support
Suppose you’re tired and don’t feel like cuddling. His female best friend can come through for both of you and cuddle him while you rest. Win-win.

3. Teach him how to treat women better
Since she’s less emotionally invested, he would learn how to treat a woman, which he’ll practice on her and do to you. Best deal.

4. Advice him when you fight
Who else would advise him properly in emotional matters than another woman?

5. Advice him not to cheat

Because she’s close to him, she’ll know when he’s about to cheat and advice him against it. May we not fall into temptation.
Read: 5 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Your Nigerian Father Happy
Man Like – A series about men, for men, by men. Every Sunday by 12PM
