Nigerians. Buhari. Buhari’s P.R team. Medical visits.
Long ago, Nigerians lived together in some form of harmony, then everything changed when Buhari’s P.R team attacked. Only the President(Buhari), master of matters of national importance, could correct this impression, but when Nigerians needed him the most, he vanished.
A couple of days passed and Nigerians have discovered a new President, a president named #Buharichallenge, and although his presidency skills are great, there’s a lot to learn before #Buharichallenge can rule anyone. But Nigerians believe #Buharichallenge can save Nigeria.
Protip: Read that to the tune of Last Airbender’s opening narration.

It all started with Nigerians asking for President Buhari to address the nation on rumours of him contracting Covid-19 from his aide, Abba Kyari. Nigerians waited in vain for any form of response until the President’s P.R team released this photo as the excuse for the silence.
And like the proverbial last straw that broke the camel’s back, Nigerians on Twitter lost all decorum and started a #Buharichallenge. It is made up of fictional situations that never happened. Much like the alleged photo the P.R team tweeted.
Here are some of the replies to the photo:
1) Nooooooo.
2) Nigerians have no chill.
3) I hate Twitter.
4) Crying.
5) Completely out of pocket.
6) Father, please forgive them for they know not what they do.
7) Social distancing is important!
8) Tired of Nigerians at this point.
9) Teacher don’t teach me nonsense!
10) Finally, some good news.
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