In Lagos, two things are certain every Christmas: detty concerts and bumper to bumper traffic, upped by a bajillion notches. It’s the absolute worst really, and no higher power can save you from it – well, except you’re from Edo. So how then, do you kill time while sitting through the madness? Here are a few suggestions:
1. Make that phone call you’ve been putting off
You swore you’d call your mom back two days ago but you didn’t. It would be a good time to check up on her. However, make sure you’re not caught by road safety.

2. Download movies to watch
You never know who has their WiFi Hotspot on while you’re stuck in hellish traffic… So you just might get lucky.
Feel free to download that Christmas movie that has been sitting idly on your Netflix watch list. Be like this guy 🙂
3. Scroll through your Twitter/Instagram feed
In this digital world, you have to be up-to-speed on the juiciest news so you’re not caught sleeping on a bicycle. You know, It’s never a bad time to see if another celebrity has committed an atrocious offence, or see what your crush is up to. Heck, you can even tweet your annoyance at the IJGBs who have come to make Lagos even more inconvenient than it already is.

4. Learn your fave artiste’s song lyrics
This detty December, you don’t want to be caught on camera messing up the song lyrics of your fave artiste (who you claim to stan). Take it from me, it never looks cute, ok?