1. When your mother finally allows you start using make up and you can graduate from baby powder and “wet lips”

Now I can reach my full potential!
2. You looking for the right shade of foundation

Come out, come out wherever you are!
3. When you see a new make up trend or make up look by you favourite beauty blogger

Please what did you call this one again?
4. What you think you look like when you imitate the new look vs what you actually look like

Na wa oh!
5. When you’ve been in the sun for 5 minutes and your make up is ruined

After all the wahala I went through to be able to do my face like this!
6. When you hear the price of high end make up

Please say it again my ear is blocked.
7. When your eyeliner is not co-operating

Which kind of wahala is this?
8. When someone says you should “quickly” do your make up

Greatness is not rushed please!
9. When you hear how much make up artists are now charging

Wowee! To rub pancake?
10. When someone compliments your natural beauty after you’ve spent 30 minutes doing a “no make up” look

“Be ye not deceived!” but thank you sha.
11. When you go without make-up and people start asking if you’re ill

So I am now ugly abi?