When it comes to saving money, Nigerian mothers are the bosses of that! So when Nigerians started sharing the hilarious ways their mothers saved money using #SaveLikeMum on Twitter, we decided to jump on it, as per, carrying last is not our portion.
1. When the school bus becomes expensive, your Nigerian mum be like:

2. How the toothpaste in your house looks like:

3. When you tell your mum you want ice-cream.

4. You, when she effortlessly prices something from N3,000 to N200.

5. When she cuts your pocket money by half and asks you to share that half with your siblings.

Na wa o!
6. When she turns your old bedsheets into curtains.

7. Her idea of ‘turning up on a budget’:

8. When you realize you can win 20k for your mom with the #SaveLikeMum Meme Contest on Twitter.

This is not a joke! I repeat, this is not banter!