1. “I have a religious event.”

“In my church we are doing 40 days fast so I cannot be near any man during that time. God bless you.”
2. “My parents don’t allow me go out.”

Meanwhile the parents in question are looking for who will come and collect the girl from their hands.
3. “Ah you should have told me before, I already made plans for that day.”

Yes. She plans to stay at home or anywhere that is not with the fellow that asked.
4. “I have a boyfriend.”

Dreams money can buy.
5. “I have many things doing.”

What does that even mean? Many things like what? Doing what?
6. “I’m not feeling fine and the doctor said I should not do anything at all”

Which Dr oh?
7. “My religion is against such things.”

“In the religion I’m practising they said if we go near any man we can fall down and die so it cannot happen.”
8. “I need to take permission from my spirit husband first..”

By the time he hears spirit husband the way he will fly away ehn!
9. “I’m really trying to find myself right now!”

Aunty where did you get lost?
10. “I’m not interested.”

Well it’s not an excuse but many babes will tell him “Uncle I don’t want! Come and be going oh.”