Nigerians are badly behaved but no one is more badly behaved than family members living with you.
When they came over when you were a kid and there was no space for them so your parents bounced you out of your room

When a 2 week visit turns into a 2 year visit and you start wondering who the real owner of your house is

When you go and spend a holiday with a family member and they turn you into the house help

When you are complaining about spending double on food and the 8 relatives living with you unlook

Never make the mistake of asking them when they are going to leave your house

How they show up at your door without notice

When they tell you they are coming to stay for two days but their luggage is saying something else.

When you invite only one family member to live with you and that one starts inviting more people

Privacy is a myth

Everyday is a new argument or fight

Staying late at work just so you don’t have to go and face your family members wahala at home