If you’ve ever had a boss or been employed, even for a day, chances are that you have had one too many meetings in your short lifetime. Many of them, irrelevant and unnecessarily long. The sound of the word “meeting” probably irritates you because they’re just gatherings where people sit and say a lot of things, then leave without really achieving anything. Sometimes, you don’t even know the reason for the meeting, you just know that you had to be there because someone said so.

Here’s a list of reasons people call for meetings.
To Schedule A Meeting
Believe it or not, some people call for meetings just so that they can discuss what will be discussed in the next meeting. It seems crazy. But it happens.

To Review A Meeting
I’ve seen too many employers do this one. You should try it if you’re an employer: when you’re bored and it feels like your employees are watching Netflix with the office WiFi, send a mail to everyone to meet in the conference room in 20 minutes to review what was discussed in the previous meeting even though it has no relevance

To Introduce An Employee
Tell everyone to stop what they’re doing and come for a meeting ASAP because they need to meet the new employee. It’s great for his character.

To Say A Sentence
My friend had to drive 2 hours to an “urgent” meeting just for the guy to tell her “Yes I just wanted to tell you that my boss has approved the project to go underway. Have a nice day.” True Story.