Sometimes, we make decisions because we think we are grown and happening adults, meanwhile, we (yes, we) are still foolish and unserious.
Here are a few simple signs that you are still an unserious adult.
1. When you tell them you love them two weeks after knowing them

First and foremost, who even does that? You have to wait for at least 2-5yrs before they know you have feelings for them. Sorry, but you don fuck up and now they’ve seen you finish, unserious adult.
2. When you don’t tell them you love them two weeks after knowing them

Is it until you see their wedding photos before you’ll let them know you love them?. We advise you to fall in love with them immediately before they leave you and go and find love somewhere else.
3.When you eat the last piece of meat in the pot

In this case, you are not only being unserious but infact you are also greedy too and you don’t know how to save for rainy days. If you eat the last meat in the pot what will you eat tomorrow, see yourself?
4.When you don’t eat the last piece of meat in the pot

LMFAO, you didn’t eat the last piece of meat now someone has eaten it. Next time you to be wise and fast. The patient dog no longer eats the fattest bone.
5.When you study for the job interview.

Are you trying to say you don’t trust your God-given brain?. Believe in your sauce please, drop those books you are reading. By now, adulting should have taught you enough.
6.When you don’t study for the job interview.

Lmfao, you actually trusted your god given brain, now look at your life outside. Sorry dear, unemployment looks good on you.
7.When you tell your parents you want to go out

Who even tells their parents they are going out, we all know how stiff Nigerian parents are and we know they’ll give you grief for even thinking of going out. Bad bitches don’t let their parents know their next move, except you aren’t a bad bitch, you are an unserious adult.
8.When you don’t tell your parents you are going out and you get kidnapped.

You didn’t tell your parents you were going now, now gbomo gbomo has carried you and your parents don’t know where you are. You think you are big now, and can go out without telling your parents, sorry about that.