Sometimes it feels like there are more dogs than humans in Nigeria, so they should be required to pay tax. If you need to be convinced, here are eight reasons why.
1) They are constantly roaming the streets
The streets of Nigeria were made with taxpayers money. So, why are freeloaders using it more than the people that paid for it? Sometimes, they’d even chase taxpayers off of the streets. This is unacceptable. If they want equal access to the roads, they should open their doggy wallets.

2) Destruction of property
Dogs need to stop getting away with chewing up shoes and knocking things over. The time has come for them to learn about the consequences of their actions. The owners should not pay so the dogs can learn to be responsible. This is why I propose a new government body called Dog Income Collection Service. Puppy dog eyes won’t work for the law.

3) Feeding
Manna will not always fall from heaven, and these creatures need to realise that. If they want to continue enjoying food to their hearts content, they need to open their purses.

4) Every Nigerian must pay tax
These dogs are basically Nigerian citizens at this point. Either by birth, naturalization, etc. The time how now come for them to perform their basic civic duty. Citizenship is not free.
5) Retirement homes
If they do not pay tax, how do they plan on retiring? The tax can also serve as a retirement fund for when they just can’t be as agile as they used to be.

6) Healthcare
Any small thing, they need to go to the vet. Since vets are so expensive, imagine if dogs paid their own way? you know how expensive vets are? Imagine if dogs paid tax and healthcare was covered by the government? #freeuniversalhealthcareforall

7) Tough times are lasting
Nigeria is broke. It is time for man’s best friend to give back to man. We’ve been there for them, they need to be here for us.
8) They are wealthy
Since the plan is to tax the wealthy, that should also include dogs and their endless generational wealth. If you didn’t know dogs are wealthy, ask yourself, what are they always hiding/burying? It’s funds.

I hope with these few points of mine, I’ve been able to convince you and not confuse you that Nigerian dogs need to be taxed

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