Gifting is a very important way of being reminded that your partner still cares about you, even when they are cheating. You can catch your cheating partner by the quality of gifts you receive this Valentine’s Day.
If you are gifted anything on this list, hold their collar till they confess.
1. A date at a fancy restaurant

How do they know this fancy restaurant you’ve never been to before? It’s because they have already tried it out with one of their hoes. If you look well, you’ll see that the waiter even recognises them.
Order the most expensive thing on the menu for revenge.
2. Scented candles

If they buy you scented candles, it is because they don’t want you to smell their other partners’ scent on them when they come home from a long day of shameless cheating.
Don’t light the candles until you have smelt them.
3. A flight ticket to an exotic resort

They have finished cheating at home, now they want to go international. While you are getting a massage, they will have enough time to sneak around and find new people to cheat on you with.
Do not let them out of your sight.
4. New clothes

If they do this, they are projecting the style of their favourite lover onto you. They are using style to tell you that the way you dress isn’t up to par, and that’s why they are cheating in the first place.
You can use the clothes to fish out who in their life dresses like that.
5. A life-size teddy bear

Not only are they cheating, but they do not plan to stop. They know they will be out cheating day and night, so they have decided to give you a companion for all times they won’t be around.
Reject that gift immediately.
6. Great sex

In this case, they have cheated so much that they have now become experts at making others cum nine times in one day. They now want to give you leftover pleasure.
Don’t not be distracted by detty orgasms.