Too many unserious men are on this earth and the greatest mistake a person can make is to encounter one of them. You might have encountered one, but don’t panic. Go through this list and see if your boyfriend manifests any of the signs.
We are rooting for you.
1. He cannot die for you.

What is now the point of the love? Abeg oh, this is 2021. Any guy who is not willing to literally die for you, let him go. Can he not use Romeo as his role model?
2. He does not promise you the whole world.

The one true mark of a serious boyfriend is that he promises you the world and he actually gives it to you. How will he do it? Frankly, we don’t care. Let him tell everybody on planet earth to relocate so it will remain both of you. Planetary romance>>>
3. He calls you his one and only but he worships God.

Clearly, that one is not serious. Why must he worship any divine being when you are right there? Why is he cheating on you with a spiritual being??
4. He is not tall, dark and handsome.

The audacity! Can’t he get surgery to match the look? How else can you relive the fantasy of the Harlequin romance novels you have read?
5. He does not have 3 bank accounts.

God abeg oh.
6. He cannot rent out the whole cinema so the both of you can watch Yoruba film in peace.

7. He did not finish with a first class.

Of course he is not serious and that is a clear proof.
8. He calls you Mummy but does not celebrate you on Mother’s Day.

Why is he still rolling with his mother when you are right there? Omo, any man that cannot abandon his mother for you is an unserious person. Abeg break up.
9. He cannot read your mind.

Hian oh. So he expects you to be in a relationship and be comunicating effectively? Never. If he cannot say what you are thinking, then he is not putting in the efforts. Such blatant unseriousness.
10. He cannot go 7 rounds in bed.

Seven is the number of perfection. If he cannot give you that perfection in bed, surely you must know that he is not serious enough to keep you.
11. He is still alive.

Clearly, that guy has no element of seriousness in him. Why is he alive while others are in the great beyond running things with Baba God? You better break up with him today and find a guy who will be serious with you.
When you do find that serious guy, here’s how to make him fall in love with you:
How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You