This article shares stories of women who have experienced both sides of love and relationships and have chosen what makes them feel the happiest . These women share their stories of leaving heterosexual relationships to date women. Here are their stories:
I always dated and was sexually active with both men and women at the same time. I never put a tag on it or thought I was a lesbian and I was suffering while dating men. The relationship was very abusive but I had put a time frame for marriage and I went on with the relationship.
I started seeing someone else as a way to escape the abuse as a power reclaim move, this new person was the first man I had ever been willingly sexual with.
Eventually, I realized I didn’t enjoy having sex with men. Luckily for me, I met his best friend, a babe. I felt an instant attraction to her. Being with her was the seal I needed to realize I only want to date women moving forward. I have enjoyed making that decision.
I was married for two years and he was narcissistic and abusive. Even then always knew I liked girls too and I had dated a girl while I was in university. I married my ex-husband because I thought he was a good Christian and we could build a good life together.
My marriage had been over for two years before I started dating again, the relationship I got into after leaving him was very toxic and triggering and made me go back to therapy. I am all fine now and in a new relationship, we are both growing and know what we want. She is the yin to my yang. I will rate it 9- the other one is because we are both stubborn.

I was seeing two guys at the same time, I would not call it dating but I referred to both of them as baby
The first time I fell in love with a girl I knew I had lucked out, every minute I spent with her was the best part of my day but I was still seeing the guys. I was constantly verbally abused by M. He was constantly saying things to me that made me uncomfortable about my body, but I kept up with it for appearances.
The first proper relationship that I acknowledged was with a woman and it was perfect. I guess I realize the reason I was so averse to labelling whatever I had with those men was that I never wanted to actually date men. Those two men helped me know that dating men wasn’t for me.

I have always been with men even when I found women insanely attractive, I never acted on it. I didn’t think I was ever going to like women or move to a woman and tell her how I felt even when I had stopped enjoying sex with men. One of the times I was seeing a guy, I told him I might be bi-curious and it must have been a fetish for him. He constantly brought it up and asked if I wanted to have threesomes. I honestly was not interested in it.
While still seeing him, I met a babe who I found really attractive. We went out a couple of time and I started to like her. Told her I liked her and she said she liked me too, it was my first time moving to a woman romantically. It has not worked out yet, but one thing I know for sure is that I am done with men, bi-curious or not.
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