So recently, Wema bank released an ad for their digital bank called ALAT.

All was well and good until Leta Sobierajski, an American graphic designer, showed up and tweeted this.

She’s accusing Wema of copying the concept of one of her shoots. Here is her shoot side by side with Wema’s ALAT ad. The First:

The second:

After Leta pointed out the similarities, people on the internet saw it too and began to drag Wema bank for stealing another person’s intellectual property. There was this person that saw the whole thing coming.

This person that had only two words to say.

This person that also said the above two words but in a stylish way.

This person that just seemed happy about the whole thing.

This person that predicted the graphic designer’s future

This person that lowkey came to sell her market.

This person that is ready with a list of lawyers.

This person that has vexed.

This person that somehow tried to defend Wema……

……..and this person that was not in the mood to hear any kind of defense.

Chai. This whole thing looks bad sha oh.

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