Don’t say our own is too much o!

But this is too good to ignore!
Apparently, President Buhari isn’t really working from home because he’s too tired to go to office.
Yes. Daddy Bubu just really wanted to work on his 2019 campaign in peace.

Already? You say? But of course. He just wanted to work in secret where bad belle people will not pour sand in his garri.
Because it cannot be only by coincidence that after the May Day celebrations, these 2019 campaign posters began springing up everywhere.

Nah. Imposicant.
First they were in Benue, Makurdi;
Then, they were in Abuja;

All over the place they’re just putting the poster everywhere.
And they’re already telling us it is, “PMB we trust” and “…After healing comes greatness, just believe”

HELLO! After whose healing? Buhari or Nigeria?
These posters will just make you want to scream;

WAWU!! My people. WA to the real WU!!