Picture this, after a long day at work or school, you get home really tired and open your fridge to get small chow. To your dismay, someone wrote hateful words all over your food.
This happened to 19 year old biomedical student at Warwick Univeristy, Faramade Ifaturoti, on April 5 when she found racist slur written on her bananas.
Faramade tweeted her disgust, sharing a picture of the bananas which had “Monkey”and “Nigga” boldly written on them. A picture of Donald Trump was also found on her fridge.
She was shocked to have been directly targeted and promptly tweeted at the University accomodation’s Twitter account.
She said “Just entered the kitchen and look at what one of my flatmates has done. I am extremely disgusted @WarwickAccomm. I’m actually fuming! Like what?In 2016? People still behave like this?!”.
The school’s Twitter account responded and has vowed to look into the racist attack.
A racist incident has been widely reported on social media – the University is investigating as a matter of urgency.
— University of Warwick (@uniofwarwick) April 5, 2016
— Warwick Anti-Racism Society (@uwarsoc) April 5, 2016
Some even think she shouldn’t have tweeted the pictures.
The solidarity of Warwick University students for Faramade is admirable. However, the University management should ensure a crackdown on racism to preserve its integrity.