As protests continue and police brutality increases, it’s important more than ever to keep protesters safe. And as far as possible from police officers as possible. One of the ways is by erecting a barricade.
In the absence of cows, here a few tips that may be useful as protests continue all around Nigeria today.
1) The bigger, the better.
Think Lawma cans, tyres, big sticks, bag of cements, sand. Anything that can form a shield and can be gotten lawfully should be considered.

2) Link or connect them together.
For tyres, stack them on each other. For sticks or garbage cans, link them by putting them side by side or wrapping them with tape. Do just enough that they are connected and they form a barrier between two sides.

3) Make sure you work in teams and delegate jobs.
The aim is to work fast and effectively before the police arrives.
4) Don’t spend time defending a barricade.
The aim is to slow the police down and barricades can’t completely keep the police out. The idea is that a barricade gives protesters enough time to get to safety. That means that it doesn’t have to be the most durable, it just has buy you time.
5) Umbrellas are a key requirement for protesters.
Umbrellas not only protect against the elements, but they can also shield against tear gas canisters.
While it’s important to build barricades for protest, it’s also important to make sure it’s all lawful and orderly. If not, we lose the plot.

Pls, stay safe out there.