If you watched a lot of movies set on university campuses before you actually got admitted, there is a possibility that you had a wrong idea of how things work in these places. Here are some of the lies movies have told us about life at the university:
1. The lie: You will have a flexible sleep schedule

The truth: Your early morning lectures will rob you of this. Even when you don’t have 7 AM classes to attend, the thought of the assignments you have to turn in will keep you up for a long period of time, downing insane amounts of caffeine or finding other creative ways to stay awake.
2. The lie: You will have money to eat out all the time

The truth: Not like you won’t eat at restaurants or anything, but there will be times when you realise that cooking in your hostel is the best thing you can do for yourself.
3. The lie: You will always hang out with your friends

The truth: To be honest, if your friend isn’t in your faculty, department, or hostel, chances are that you won’t see them for weeks non-stop. At best, you will run into them while trying to get to a 9 AM lecture.
4.The lie: University life is all about parties and getting wasted

The truth: Let’s just blame Hollywood for this. No, you won’t go to parties every weekend. And you won’t be hungover when you go to your classes on Monday. Not when you have a lot of courses to catch up on.
5. The lie: You will be BFFs with your roommate

The truth: The odds of this happening are actually very small. Sure, you can be friendly with them, but they won’t become the person you tell everything that’s happening in your life. Besides, you will likely change rooms and get new roommates every year. You can’t be best friends with all of them.
6. The lie: You will have a very active love life

The truth: See ehn, partners are hard to find, even in universities crawling with young and horny adults.