If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that Nigerian women struggle with shooting shots. If you leave Nigerian women, they’ll “👀” you to death. The funny thing is despite this annoying lack of effort, women still expect their weak shots to enter. My dear, you can’t reap where you did not sow. With Valentine’s Day on the way, we decided to help women level up their toasting skills. Read and take notes.
1. Talk to us with your full chest

Please and please, Nigerian men are a spec. Up your game. . We’re tired of receiving “Hey big head” messages. It’s your head that is big, ma. Slide into our DMs with a value proposition of why we should consider you. Kindly include your goals and aspirations for us and this potential relationship. Time is of the essence, so talk to us direct and stop beating around the bush.
2. If we have a girl, fight her

Why are you allowing small relationship stop you from getting the man of your dreams? Time after time, we hear people ask men to fight for their women, but when you think about it, how many times have women fought for us? You heard we have a girlfriend, and so what? It’s just an opportunity to prove yourself.
3. When you’re buying skincare products, buy for two

You people complain that Nigerian men are ashy and we don’t invest in skincare, but can you blame us? We took one look at the price of that cleanser thing and did about-turn. The truth is, we want to do skincare too, but omo, the money involved is choking us and that’s why we keep stealing your toners and rubbing it on our feet. Want to trap a Nigerian man today? Buy him skincare products and when they finish, buy more.
4. Buy us Azul in the club

You want to bambam and chill with fine Nigerian men? You need to open your purse and spend some money. Anytime you see us in the club, send a bottle of Azul to our table. If you do this once or twice, there’s a high chance we’ll be parading the market looking for souvenirs and aso-ebi very soon.
5. Prove to us that you’re a Prov. 31 woman

At the core of every Nigerian man’s existence is a strong desire to marry someone that will cook, clean, take care of the home and be his neck. At any slight opportunity you get, offer to pound yam for us or do our laundry. Once you make us feel like kings, we’ll propose to you sharp sharp.
6. Buy us fancy food

Remember when they said, “The road to a man’s heart is through his stomach?” Well, no lies were told. You’re not the only one who likes creamy pasta and English breakfast; we like it too.
7. Send us money

This one is a no brainer. Women like to be spoiled by intentional men. If you want us, be intentional too. What is good for Chidi is good for Chioma. Surprise us with credit alerts and help our lives. It’s not like we’re broke or anything, but there’s nothing like too much money.