Ever found yourself in a space filled with your lover, exes and people who have seen you naked? It sometimes gets a little awkward which is why we’ve put together a list of icebreakers to help everyone relax into the possible orgy.
1.Do a roll call.
This roll call is important to know everyone is present, you need to be sure the room is actually filled with lovers, exes and everyone in that bracket. The sound of everyone saying “present” when you call their name is enough to break the ice and start an orgy.

2. Ask for a performance review.
The first question on the performance review should be, “Shey I fit fuck?” so everyone knows the kind of responses to give. You already know what to do to anyone who replies negatively. Send them out of the room and out of your life since they’ve decided to be liars.

3. Ask them to prepare a doc to share with your future partner since they know so much about you.
It doesn’t matter if one or more of the people in the room is your current partner; the fact that they’re your partner today doesn’t mean they’ll be your partner tomorrow. Make sure everyone has a doc ready to save you the stress of participating in another talking stage.

4. Spin the bottle and pick a lucky person to go home with.
When we say home, we mean home to your parents. Let the bottle decide who you get to spend the rest of your life with. You’re a catch and anyone the bottle lands on is going to be lucky to spend the rest of their lives with you.

5. Start the orgy.
Of course, the orgy was going to happen, so why waste time when you can immediately get into it? Everyone is already in the room and the ice is already broken, lie down and tell everyone to take a position.

6. Tell them to start sharing testimonies.
This is totally different from the performance review o. Line them up and give them a mic to talk about how you changed their life. Make sure the mics and speakers are very loud so passersby can hear about how wonderful you are.

7. Challenge them to a dance-off.
Put a chair in the middle of the room and ask them to dance. The winner gets to claim you since you’re such a prize.

8. Call a therapist and turn it into group therapy.
Call a therapist so everyone can get things off their minds. Ofcourse, you’re only doing this because you are so benevolent and you want them to heal from what other people have done to them.