Prior to what the internet and that certain website say, sex can be very awkward. If there is one thing that can ease the tension, it is music. As we are in the business of being generous, we have complied 7 foolproof methods to help you create the perfect sex playlist
1. Ask your father for song recommendations
Our parents spend all their time complaining about our music but in their days, all they sang about was good loving.

2. Pick songs you don’t listen to often
So that you don’t sing mid-gives and when it comes up on a playlist while you’re at the office, you don’t blackout for one hour.

3. Check to see if you can slowly whine your waist to the beat.
They say practice makes perfect. Plus, how else would you know how good your whine-to-rhythm coordination is?

4. Add a French song
You might not know the meaning but add a slow French song and thank me later. Cava bien merci, kpa-kpa-kpa.

5. Neo-soul and R&B is the way
Now is not the time to impress your partner with your good taste in indie/alternative music, please that’s not the thing to focus on. If you want to add a little spice, you can add a Naira Marley song or Tesojue by Reminisce.

6. Put songs your partner likes
It’ll make them smile or giggle and they’ll know you were thinking about them.

7. Keep it short and simple
Please not more than ten songs, when it’s not a listening party.

In the end, the playlist doesn’t matter, It’s kuku just background noise to your partner’s music.