We all know Nigerian parents are hard to impress especially when it comes to approving of the kind of friends you have.

All your friends are bad gang and nobody is good enough to be friends with you except these 10 people.
The ones that have two heads and used to come first in class when you were coming second.

Your own friends were coming third and fourth and you wonder why you didn’t reach JAMB cut off for Medicine.
The ones that will join you to do housework when they come and visit.

Not the ones without home training that’ll just cross leg in front of the T.V.
The one whose future ambition was either to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer or pastor.

Dazzal the ones who chose any other professions were destined to end up as failures and your parents didn’t want you to associate with failures.
The one whose two knees touched the ground or who laid flat on the ground when they were greeting them.

Ehen omo dada.
The church worker that’s also in the choir and is a youth leader and teaches Sunday school too.

The only thing that’s remaining is for them to open their own church.
The one that only comes over when you people have assignment to do together.

Unlike the ones that’ll come and be using you are your destiny to play video games.
The friends that barbed skin, used to write names of noise makers and wore their trousers like this.

They were always class captain.
That friend that has never had sex, doesn’t know the meaning of sex and never plans on having sex.

In fact they don’t even know what alcohol is.
The friend that works in Shell, Mobil or Chevron and has already built a house for their parents.

While you, you are still there going home every weekend to beg your mummy for stew.
The ones that graduated at 21 with a first class and immediately got married and had three children.

You are there denying your parents of the chance to hold their grand children already.
And finally the one with responsible parents like themselves.

Because it’s only responsible parents that can have responsible children.