If you work in healthcare in Nigeria, you are probably tired of all the rubbish that goes on. From the Government to workload and to lastly, the patients. Nigerian patients are some of the most interesting sets of people ever.
Here’s a quote that summarises how you probably feel.

Here is a list of the things patients do that healthcare workers can’t grasp.
1) Complaining about symptoms and asking for specific drugs.

Why will you come in with your legs and ask for a specific drug talking about knowing your body and whatnot? So, is my degree and many years in school for show?
2) Taking advice from everyone except their healthcare provider.
“My friend who also had the same issue gave me the drug.”

Is your friend certified or licensed? Nigerian patients, we hail thee.
3) Antibiotics misuse.

If you use antibiotics for a boil, headache, unprotected sex, you are making the work unnecessarily hard for when you actually need antibiotics.
4) Trying to beat up their healthcare provider.

If you are on this table, desist today. Everyone is a victim of the system and you should take out the anger on Government and systems instead.
5) Accusing Hospital staff of theft.

Nobody is trying to steal your money. Healthcare is expensive in this country. It is unfair accusing people who are sacrificing their sweat and blood of theft.
6) Rushing at the Pharmacy.

Do you want to get the wrong drug? Lives are at stake hence patience is extremely important.
7) Trying to inflate the bill.

Someone is sick and you are trying to scam? Wow.
8) Patients saying “God forbid” when you ask about family history.

It’s not a curse. The question is important for your treatment. Mummy and Daddy pls.
9) Giving religious leaders credit after getting treated at the Hospital.

Is this how you repay me? After all my efforts.
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Dear Zikoko fam, watch this space. Zikoko is starting stories on personal finance like this and a series on hustling and what it means to earn a living in Nigeria. Tell a friend to tell two other friends.