Nigerian dads are really fashionable groups of people and their style and sense of fashion are mostly neglected. However, fashion items are not the only things that can be found in a Nigerian dad’s wardrobe. Here’s a list of things you’ll definitely find in a Nigerian dad’s wardrobe.
1. Kangol caps.

Nigerian dads and their brothers are single-handedly keeping the Kangol cap industry in business. There is nothing a Nigerian dad can’t wear with a Kangol cap. It is their identity and their heritage and that’s ok.

2. Khaki shorts.
Is he even a Nigerian dad if he does not have this pair of shorts? This is the Nigerian dad’s closest relationship with the colonizers.
3. This pair of sandals or something similar.
The Kangol cap, the shorts and this pair of sandals and the Nigerian dad’s look are almost complete. It’s not our business to tell them these sandals are ugly. They love them and that’s all that matters.
4. Branded tee-shirt from religious or political events.
If you go through your dad wardrobe, you’ll find at least 5 of these kinds of tee shirts. The dad’s who consider themselves cool dads only wear them to the gym or to work out on days they remember.
5. Birth certificates of his other children you don’t know about.

This isn’t always the case, but it’s not impossible either. You’d either find the birth certificate in his wardrobe, in his bank safe or in his will. Check his wardrobe very well, you don’t know what you’ll find.
6. Belts.

You’ll actually find multipurpose belts in a Nigerian dad’s wardrobe. Some belts are used to hold up their waists, some are used to break their children’s backs and spirits. And some other belts do both.
7. The Fedora hat.

You might not be able to relate to this if your dad is above a certain age. Sorry, no offence. This hat is another favourite for Nigerian men after the Kangol cap. This hat signifies a certain level of coolness – or maybe that’s what they say to themselves when they wear it.
8. Half shoes.

Nigerian dads have carried this trend and style on their backs since it was invented. This is also an “I want to be considered a cool dad” look. Are the shoes even comfortable?