If “Oh Lord, I want to look younger than my age” has been your prayer point for a while now, it’s time to receive the answer in Jesus name. No need to go on dry fasting anymore. Just follow these tips to look younger than your age till people start to beg for your secret.
1. Avoid “Mary amaka” clothes
When it’s not like you are auditioning for a role as somebody’s mother.

2. Avoid being born in Nigeria
Tell the angels to reassign you by whatever means possible because Nigeria will have you looking fifty at 22.

3. Divorce stress
It has only wrinkles and health wahala to offer you. What you need is a baby girl or boy lifestyle.

4. Throw away your makeup box
If you want the “I-woke-up-like-this no make-up look, then your make-up box actually has to go. The younger you want to look, the less you should have on your face.

5. Avoid eating eba
That food is ghetto, and anyone who offers it to you hates you. Do this all your life and old age will have nothing on you.

6. Ditch tired wigs
We painstakingly watched “Swallow” and identified the kind of tired wigs you should avoid. Unless you want to look as tired as the wigs, go for another look.

7. Use camera filters
Life doesn’t have to be so hard. If you urgently need a fix for looking ten decades younger, then simply befriend the filters on all your social media apps. Problem solved.

8. Throw your phone away
Depending on how badly you want to look younger, this shouldn’t be hard to do. Here’s why: all those late nights spent pressing your phone could be channeled into getting your beauty sleep and rest. This is one of the secrets to looking vibrant, young and fresh. If you like, say it’s a lie.

9. Invent a time machine…
…But for age-related concerns. All you need to do is to permanently set the machine to a particular time when you believe you looked younger. Sweet sixteen here you come.

10. Avoid this kind of make-up
In the name of everything you hold dear, don’t do this to yourself, sis. If throwing away your make-up box as suggested in tip four above is too extreme, the least you can do is get a pro make-up artist to do right by your face.

11. Stop wearing “to match”
You don’t want to come off as desperate, love. Subtlety is best.

12. Avoid gbese
Being an onigbese will age you faster than Nigeria ever can. Pay all your debts today and let those distributing young looks locate you.

13. Know your angles
Maybe the reason why you look older in photos is because you don’t know your angles. You need to befriend a photographer ASAP to put an end to that.

14. Learn how to crack jokes
People won’t notice that you look older when they’re busy slapping their thighs and kikiki-ing. Pinky swear.

15. Shave your head
Although, before you do so, here are some things you should know about going bald. A shaved head creates an illusion of looking way younger than you actually are. You could ditch tired wigs for this, yes?

16. Drink your early morning pee
This is the big secret all the cosmetologists and experts have been keeping from you, but here you are, discovering it for free. Go and do the needful.
17. Avoid Yoruba men
They will disgrace you and add ten years to your look by the time they’re done toying with your heart. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

18. Fake it till you make it
You’ve been hearing that you can be anything you set your mind to be, yes? Now’s the time to believe and act on it.