1. When you’re using passion to listen to Mad Over You, and one ear of your earphones decides to be unfortunate and stop working

2. When you’re just trying to get some sleep and one mosquito decides that’s the best time to play hide and seek with your ear

3. When you dash yourself slap because the mosquito landed on your face, but you see the same mosquito giving you ela when you’re done

4. We actually prefer to pick pin than to get that really painful injury you get from washing clothes

5. When you’ve finished fixing nails and forming all the babe in this world, and one of them decides to break

6. When you’re at fellowship and the leader decides to be extra and asks everyone to shout 50 Halleluhias

7. When you miscalculated the plantain to beans ratio, only to find that you have more beans than plantain

8. We know childbirth is painful and all, but have you used your small toe to hit the leg of a table before?