1. When you’re hungry and no Agege bread seller has passed your house.

2. You, when you finally hear “AGEEEEGEEEE BREAAAADDD!!!”

3. When you see an ewa agoyin seller walking beside the agege seller.

4. When you’ve already seen the bread you’ll pick before the hawker even drops her tray.

5. When she opens the nylon and the smell of hot bread hits your nose.

6. When they try to sell you agege bread that is not white and soft.

7. You, when the woman asks if she should put butter.

8. When someone tries to tell you about how it is unhealthy because of bromate.

9. When you buy the bread and find out it’s not ‘today’s own’.

10. When you hear someone compare sliced bread to agege bread.

11. When the only burger you recognize is ‘risky burger’.

12. You, dipping your agege bread in tea when no one is looking.

13. When you eat your agege bread with akara in the middle.