1. When your mother accosts you because food has finished in the house and it’s time to go to the market.

2. As if your problem is not bad enough, it starts raining.

3. When you enter the market and everyone starts screaming in your ear and trying to drag you into their stall..

4. And you have to hold your bag extra tight because anything can happen.

5. Then your customer starts arguing with you about prices because “dollar have cost”.

6. And now your shoes are ruined because of mud, sand and rubbish everywhere.

7. Meanwhile your mother keeps messaging you with things she conveniently “forgot” you have to buy.

8. You, entering the meat section of the market.

9. When the grocer tries to add some limp vegetables to your basket.

10. When your customer is stingy with “jara”.

11. When you finally get home, you’re like.

12. Only for your mother to complain that you were cheated and she would have done a better job!

13. Next time go by yourself ma, don’t disturb me!