Benue is legit the food basket of the nation. Why? The soil there is so dope, it grows a large variety of Nigeria’s diverse food crops – also, you can totally get served a pounded yam dish with 8 different soups!

But we are not just here to talk about the awesomeness of Benue state. If you are a real foodie like us, this mouth-watering pounded yam and Esa soup recipe from Benue will make you happy and warm inside.

For the soup, your ingredients are:

First, season the washed chicken with onions and Maggi cubes – put in a pot and cook under medium heat until tender.

Next, dry-fry the Beni-seeds (aka Esa) in a sauce pan for 5 minutes until they start to make a popping sound.

Next, blend the dried seeds and mix with blended onions. Set this aside and get to washing the rest of the ingredients.

Next, add the fishes, pepper, locust beans, crayfish and a spoonful of palm oil to the chicken stock. Stir properly and cook this for 20 minutes.

Season with Maggi cubes and a pinch of salt before adding the beni-seeds and onion paste. Let this simmer for 10 minutes.

Next, add your vegetables, cook for two minutes and your soup is ready!

And that’s how to make a healthy pot of soup, Benue style!


You can sharpen your foodie skills by keeping up with mouth-watering dishes on Delicious Naija, from Maggi Nigeria.