1. When you see one fine, but expensive shoe and your conscience starts shouting

“You know you’re already broke!”
2. When you now pass by the shop again, you’re like

It’s not good to be broke sha!
3. You, at work thinking of those fine shoes you saw

But if I don’t buy it, will I eat my money?
4. When you now pass by the shop and you can’t stop yourself

How could I resist all the other beautiful shoes?
5. You, trying the shoes for the tenth time at home
6. When you’re now sleeping and your guilt hits you

I have finished all my savings o!
7. How your account balance appears to you in your dreams like

“You think you’re doing me, but you’re doing yourself!”
8. When you now want to return the shoes, and the shop owner is like

Somebody cannot even play small play with you again?
9. So you just decide to enjoy your very expensive shoes like that

I will not kuku kill myself!