1. Being constantly reminded that harmattan is nothing compared to winter.
The only difference is a visa please.
2. When you have to struggle to take a shower on cold mornings.
Nobody wants to die .
3. When you have no bae to cuddle.
Why did #seizethebae have to be such an epic fail?
4. When you see people struggling to find suitable clothing for the weather.
Nigerian designers better start making harmattan collections.
5. When you have to plan your movement carefully.
No time for random link ups. Time to be as unfriendly as the weather.
6. When you have to go everywhere with cracked lips.
You just can’t escape the cracked lips. Well except you dip your lips in palm oil.
7. When you have to wash cars every single day.

And the car isn’t even yours.
8. But you spot a silver lining.
Harmattan a blessing in disguise after all.
9. But you have to struggle to stay moisturised.

This might be the best time to join coconut oil and shea butter twitter. You don’t want your opinions looking ashy.
10. And also struggle to moisturise every inch of skin.

Can’t let the person you’ve been eyeing catch you looking like half of a white walker.