To be honest, 90s kids suffered. We were just too young to know that suffering is not the same as discipline or love.
1. Whenever you buy anything, even if it’s maggi, put inside a nylon.

Nobody must see what they sent you.
2. When they give you food, you show it to your parents first.

3. If you attend any birthday party, you must not taste anything.

Bring everything home. Every single thing in that party pack must be complete.
4. Always grind pepper in this container.

Always the custard container, and God help you if you decide to play football on the way and pour the pepper away.
5. Misplacing money used to send you on an errand is equal to death.

Just ‘lost’ with the money and don’t return home.
6. If a trader refuses to collect an item you were asked to return, it is death.
Please collect it from my hand, anything you are looking for in your life, you will see it.
7. When you mistakenly interrupt an adult conversation.

Because that’s what you will certainly get.
QUIZ: Only People Who Speak Fluent ‘Nigerian Parent’ Can Get 10/13