We’re on the fifth day of January’s 1000 days and after and you’re probably already out of money and looking for giveaway on Twitter. Me too, so I made a compilation of memes we’ll both be able to relate to.
1. When you suddenly realise that you have to wait till the end of the month to collect your salary

“Can I survive this month like this?”
2. And then you remember that January has 1000 days

Day 5 of 1000
3. And you start thinking about what you spent your money on

“Who asked me to do detty December?”
4. You’ll even start second guessing yourself

“Abi I have money somewhere that I don’t know about.”
5. Then you look through your contacts to see who is owing you money

Thompson is owing me 5k since 2012, let me call him.
6. When someone adds “money” to the end of your name

“Femi Money, do giveaway!”
7. How you laugh whenever your boss tells a joke

In case there’s a surprise mid-January bonus.