If there’s a mantra to your life, it is one thing: adulting is a scam. Big scam. I don’t know what it was that made it seem like being an adult was an epic trip, but it is a scam. We were had, took, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok and flat-out deceived about adulting.
Adulting sold us dreams. Here are a few of the lies we were sold by adulting.
1. That when you grew up, you would eat all the meat you wanted from the soup.
Now you can eat it, but at what cost?

2. The responsibilities
There are so many responsibilities that came with adulting. Bills, work, family responsibilities… it never ends.

3. You thought you would go to uni, graduate and get a great job immediately.
If only you knew.

4. Being broke
Nobody prepared you for being broke all the damn time.

5. You thought you would have met the love of your life
Now where is the love of your life? HaqHaqHaq.

6. Having to take care of your self when you fall sick

This one is the worst. Nobody to pamper you. Worst part is that you have to pay for your drugs with your own money. Ghetto.
7. Getting enough sleep

As a child, you hated that you had to go to bed early and looked forward to staying up as long as you wanted when you became an adult. Now you can’t get enough sleep.
You know what? For reading to the end, here’s a bonus article you should read: 5 Annoying Post-Lockdown Expenses That You Can’t Escape