Are you sick and tired of your Nigerian parents treating you like an unserious adult?. You know it’s time for them to treat you like a proper adult. You want them to see you as an adult they should both respect and fear. Here’s a list of ways to get your Nigerian parents to respect you:
1.Walk out when they start talking to you.

Disregard whatever your mind is saying to you right now, walking out is a power move. Literally. It might take them by surprise when you do it, but that’s the plan. If they don’t know your next moves, they won’t be able to mess with you.
2.End their calls when the conversation annoys you.

The goal is to take them by surprise, don’t forget that. Cut the call when the conversation gets annoying and you are no longer feeling it. You don’t have to explain your action to them. If they try to call you back, don’t pick up. Only talk to them when you want. After a few attempts, they’ll start being afraid to call you.
3.Ask them for large sums of money with short deadlines.

This won’t only make them afraid of you, it will make them afraid for you and that’s a win-win. We don’t need to explain how this works, just try it out and come back to tell us how it went.
4.Stay out till way past midnight.

Any Nigerian living in Nigeria knows that staying out past midnight requires a high level of guts. Your parents will go from being afraid for you to being afraid of you. Honestly, we sef, we fear who no fear you.
5.Move out of their house.

This one actually works like magic.
6.Cut them off for a short period of time.

This will prove to them that you can do bad all by yourself. Show them some tough love, we all know that tough love brings respect.
NB: You are fully responsible for whatever happens to you after taking our advice. Love and light.