Dear rich kings, we’re thinking of you in a period where money is the only thing people want from relationships. If a woman exhibits at least 4 of the signs in this article, she’s only dating you for your money.
1. She likes food

If a woman has “foodie” in her bio, and constantly posts pictures of things like pasta, she’s just looking for someone that will fund her lifestyle. Run o.
2. She’s on Instagram

Any woman that is on Instagram is only there to find expensive things for men to buy for them. Avoid these types of women. On the first date, check her phone. If you see Instagram there, run.
3. She has a birthday wishlist

Are you Father Christmas? Why is she sending you her wishlist? Women are good planners. She only got with you so that you will be able to fund her birthday wishlist. Run.
4. You’re a tech bro

You don’t have to be working at PiggyVest to be a tech bro o. If you can use a phone or a laptop, you are a tech bro. Once a woman knows that you can operate a laptop, that’s the end. She will be looking for your money.
5. She says she loves you

If your babe tells you she loves you, she’s just trying to scam you into spending money on her. Break up with her.
6. She doesn’t say she loves you

If she doesn’t say she loves you, it’s obvious that she’s not in this relationship for emotional purposes, but for financial purposes. Break up with her.
7. She buys you gifts

This one is for smart gold diggers. If a woman buys a car for you, better don’t collect it. It means she wants you to buy 3 cars and 1 house for her in return. Think smart, king.
8. She has friends

Women with friends are the most dangerous. One moment you’re chilling, the next she wants an iPhone because her friends are using iPhones too. Be careful.
9. She doesn’t buy you gifts

If she doesn’t buy you gifts, she’s obviously in the relationship for one-sided financial purposes only. Run.
10. She cannot follow you to do bend down select

What is love? Is it not for better or worse?
11. She doesn’t have her own apartment

This means she’s only with you because you have an apartment. Don’t allow it happen.
12. Her love language is receiving gifts

Out of all the love languages, the only one she saw to pick was receiving gifts? That’s how you know a scammer from far away.
QUIZ: How Rich Do You Look?

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