1) You forget things easily these days.
You need to write things down or else you’ll forget.

2) You need two naps before doing any task.
And it feels like sleep is never enough.

3) A lot of your friends are in their early or late thirties.
Even though you are in your twenties.

4) Your friends think you are older than them.
Or at least behave older than them. Some even come to you for advice.

5) You have found the “one.”
At least as at today, you are in a committed relationship with someone you see yourself getting married to. Even though people find it weird.

6) Adultier adults come to you for advice.
And you keep wondering what they see in you.

7) A lot of your cloth choices are now tailored more for comfort instead of style.
Good bye skinny jeans.

8) You now need like three pieces of meat per meal.
I don’t understand the science behind this one either.

9) You’re starting to see the appeal in this:

10) If you do any physical activity, you need three working days to recover.