PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that is common in women of childbearing age. PCOS has different side effects, varying from obesity, to irregular periods, fatigue and so many other symptoms. Here are a few things many women with PCOS can definitely relate to.
1. Always needing a tweezer.

Hirsutism is a common side effect of PCOS which oftentimes occurs as facial hair. Women with PCOS understand the struggle of always needing to have a tweezer nearby to pick out hair from their chin or the most random spots on their faces.
2. The weight gain.

Gaining weight due to PCOS is not such a fun experience, especially for women who battle with weight loss and self-image issues. Some women gain so much weight and struggle to lose it.
3. Getting told to lose weight.

A common remedy that is often recommended to a woman with PCOS is being told to lose some weight or try out a new lifestyle regimen. A lot of gynaecologists suggest weight loss like it’s the balm of Gilead.
4. Trying out different supplements and hormone treatments.

One thing women with PCOS are definitely going to do is try out supplements. They don’t care for the price of the supplements and they are always willing to pay for hormone treatments and period inducers.
5. Dealing with fatigue from nowhere.

Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of PCOS. You don’t have to do so much more work before you are hit with fatigue from nowhere. Sometimes you wonder if the fatigue is from your funny working uterus or if you are just a lazy person. It’s not you, it’s your uterus.
6. Having to deal with different bouts of sadness.

See, one of the most confusing things has to be sadness. You can be sitting by yourself and get hit with bouts of sadness from nowhere.
7. Trying out different meal plans and diets.

From KETO to any other meal plan you can think of; PCOS babes have tried out all of them.