Christmas is upon us and you know how gifts make the season sweeter. Here’s a list of gifts you can buy your Nigerian babe.

1. Scented candles
Scented candles are always a delight to receive and there are so many scents to choose from. Just make sure it’s not something they are allergic to and you’re good.

2. A dress
Although the girlies are now denouncing ashawo dresses, these are a ton of other dresses you can buy. From short dresses to dinner gowns for date nights, the choice is yours. She just has to be into dresses. A good tip is to buy a colour that makes her skin pop.

3. Shoes
Shoes are a safe bet. Some babes prefer sneakers to heels, you might want to be sure what her preference is before making any purchases.

4. Coloured eyeliner
Coloured liners are definitely in vogue right now. The thing with those liners is that you don’t have to have a full face beat to wear it.

5. Bone straight
Yes, Bone straight weaves are still in style and the girlies still want them. Take it up a notch and pay for the weave to be made into a wig. Thank us later.

6. Spa day
Spa days include body massages, facials, manicures, pedicures and other body treatments. Honestly, everyone living in Nigeria right now deserves a spa day, don’t deny your babe of one.

7. Eden life plan
Eden is all about soft life. They will take care of her laundry, her meals and her cleaning for as long as you are willing to pay for. You have to be careful sha, she might fall in love with her gardener.

8. iPhone 13
So they can take bomb pictures for you and you alone. Everyone wins.

9. Apple watch
If she already had the iPhone 13, this would make such a good gift for her.

10. Money
If all else fails, you can always just send money to her PiggyVest account and make her richer. We rise by lifting others.

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