Yesterday, December 1st, was World AIDS Day and we were very excited to keep the safe sex conversation going. We even had a twitter poll on it:
But it made us think… what about safe sexting?
Everyone has their favourite sexting emoji (don’t lie!)The eggplant (or aubergine):

The peach:

The combination for sex:

The tongue out emoji:

The pointer finger + OK sign + splashing water:

The doughnut + banana combination for sex:

But sadly, there is so much sexting and sexing but not enough safe sex! Until now…

The MTV Staying Alive Foundation has created a SafeSext keyboard featuring various condom emojis.

But it doesn’t end there,The Foundation also created the best safe sex PSA you have ever seen!

The video features life-sized versions of the most common sexting emoji pairs making out, such as the eggplant and peach. But this time a condom is involved.